I was up at 6 this morning and woke to see the sun's orangey golden rays to welcome me to the world - all is good! Just got back from a holdiay in France - was wonderfully relaxing but decided it's a good idea to get back into getting up early again now as I can get lots done in the mornings! We had lots of fun and capers including seeing a carnival not mention visiting the relatively new Machines de Nantes a place of mind blowing spectacles. Imagine a giagantic elephant beautfiully crafted in wood and metal stomping alongside you - that's just the begining for this incredible project inspired by Jules Verne. I just can't wait to see the massive tree house they have planned...! In other exciting news from my partner's home town - the brilliant Velibe cycles rolled out across Paris last year have also now arrived in Nantes - yay! Not out till next week, when I'm sure like in Paris, they will take the city by storm! They're called Bicloo and I think they look even nicer than the Paris ones ...

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