I've been beavering away on the illustration front and above is one of the ones I did today. Direct observation all the way of course (have a rather scary red taxidermy squirrel called Gladys who willingly posed for me this afternoon!!!)
Promised some birds in my last post and so here are some that I did for Manu's mum - who reminds me of Edith Piaf. Moineau is the French name for a sparrow and is interchangeable with Piaf (although this is really slang!) The puffy sparrows brooch I made recently were also modelled on the sketches I did below ...

In allotment news, I planted some spring green seeds today ^^ ... in anticipation of some lovely bright green soup! The carrots and spinach are coming on nicely and will need thinning soon. We picked the first of the beans in the picture below (only at matter of a handful though so far!) The peppers are starting to turn orange too. The rain fell so heavily today that an inch fell in half an hour!! Needless to say didn't need to worry about watering anything - was actually surprised there weren't any puddles.
It really feels like we're starting to make a break through on the growing front, even though there's so much left to so on the clearing side of things. We've decided to get the right hand side sorted first as then tackle the dreaded brambles on the left. Here's some pictures to show the progress to date ...