Have been feeling a bit worse for wear today as didn't get home till gone 4 this morning! Had a really fab night out with lovely lady friend Claire and her buddy Cathy who came up especially from East Dulwich to eat an absolutely delicious crab supper a la Claire's fair hands. We ended up in Mustard (in the club not the sauce!) and some pretty liberated dancing was had by all! ^^
In between trying to distract myself from a sore head and recuperating with my uke* (played it virtually all morning!) I took a clothed outdoor shower (in the rain!) followed by invigorating fresh air gulps down at the allotment. I've also been doodling birds this evening. Now have lots of bird drawings which I ought to scan in and stick on here tomorrow when I'm more compus mentus!
We had potatoes from the allotment for dinner with 'macedoine' (diced veg and mayonaise!) which has made me feel a whole lot better this evening!

Decided the allotment blog was a bit of a non-starter so going to keep you up to date with gardnerville on here from now on! You're free of the burden Manu!
*Motivated by last weekend's trip to the Innocent Smoothie fete to see the Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain, as you can see we got pretty up close and personal ...