Def. comes highly recommended on my part - though there's always the danger of getting too comfy and falling asleep! Surprisingly, it's not happened yet but then I have been keeping my mind busy with list writing, ode writing and corsage making - not to mention reading - Kite Runner at the mo... I really want to see the film but desperately holding off till I've finished the book. It's a kind of New Year's Resolution to read the book before the film as much as poss. Mmmm - we'll see how that goes! Might be one for the breaking before even the month's out!
Anyway I feel my bed is calling me for sleep this time ... it's got pretty late with all this creating!

P.S: How could I forget(?!) - my stitched craft tags arrived today - yey!!! I'm darn ;-) pleased with the way they've come out ...!