Friday, 1 February 2008

'Sucker for Love' range!

This morning I woke up at 6 and was inspired to begin a new crafting range especially for Valentines. I planned to get it done before breakfast and almost did - only had two cross stitches left which I finished while munching on my frosties!!

When I showed it to Manu - he looked sad and I tried to explain that it had ironic overtones because cross stitch is twee and sweet normally and which was what I was trying to subvert!!
But he wasn't convinced! So I took it to work and stuck it on my imac screen to see what reactions I'd get. It was all positive so I'm going to take it (and the rest in the range which I shall finish tonight) to the craft fair tomorrow!

I don't think I'll be enjoying many Zzzz's tonight ...!

P.s: Bingo was hilarious!! More on that later ... must eat banana on toast now!!

1 comment:

jennifer said...

love all your crafty pieces you clever girl will buy some off you if you have any left!!!