Saturday, 29 March 2008

It's a beautiful day!

I've spent the week getting completely soaked to skin and I woke up today to the most gorgeous sunny morning. Had the most delicious breakfast sunbathe while sipping my darjeeling! Munching on apricot jam on toast, I almost made myself believe I was on holiday. It's put me in such a good mood - seratonin levels must be restored!

Well off to post off some crafty bit now...and hopefully catch a few more happy rays while I'm at it!

Thursday, 27 March 2008

Got my skates on!

Just got back from a particularly good roller skating session and totally wiped out! Wore bright red tights and gold sparkley leg warmers tonight and got some funny looks cycling! No one batted an eye lid at skating though! ^^

Also had an exicting thing happen - sold my first ever item on Dawanda today! Yay! Dead pleased as only joined a week ago today! Here's what I sold:-

Otherwise, I found another Etsy-esque place of wonder for all you craft lovers. Here you go! Looks like it might be pretty useful promotion-wise!

Tuesday, 25 March 2008

Etsy isn't just for crafting

Don't you know!?! There are some really exciting Illustrators to be found there too (horray!) For starters check this dude out, he's awesome!! I like his profile blurb too - refreshingly to the point too! Collage is a mighty tricksy business to get right, but this fellow has nailed it as far as I'm concerned!! Watch Larrison Go!

Monday, 24 March 2008

Dawanda's a wonder!!!

Here's a little blackbird I made today!

Hey - guess what - I'm now on Dawanda! It's Europe's answer to Etsy and it's blooming great - go there and get lost in the wonder of it.

I'm to be found deep down in it's lovely depths here: Zazar's Bazaar

Sunday, 23 March 2008

It's snowing!!!

Happy Easter Everyone!! And a white one at that - can't believe it's snowing - yay!!

On another note - I'm just staggered by how many exciting blogs I've been coming across lately ...Here's another great one worth a scout - some brilliant research on design, illustration and photography which I discovered while reading about a fellow Etsy-er Ashley or Kitty Genius, the seudonym she rather modestly blogs under! Actually she comes across as a darm nice gall! Happy snowman making all you English folk. I shall
venturing out a little later for a Sunday roast and might well get stuck into one myself!!

Friday, 21 March 2008


The above brooch has been lost! I was wearing it one minute and it was gone the next :-( If you find the little blighter while roaming the streets of Norwich (you not the brooch!!) Please do let me know. It was a home protecting charm brooch (catchy!!) so hopefully my home will be alright - better make another one now I guess (just in case!!)

Corsage collection

I've decided to concentrate on corsage making today. I'll let you know how I get on ...

In the meantime I must tell you about some exciting blog finds - they're already listed on my blog roll (titter!!) but they're so good that I feel they deserve a proper mention here - well done Lupin (Etsy name) Amy (Pikaland) and poppytalk - all uniquely beautiful and exciting! Check them out, why don't you?!

Wednesday, 19 March 2008

Busy brooch making

Here is a photo I took of my latest creations. I've got really into rosettes and now thinking about doing some more animal cameos ...

Already been tucking into easter eggs - darn it I love Easter - best excuse ever to gorge on chocolate!!!

I've also been busy getting my Etsy shop up anad running which you can see a snap shot of on the right. Otherwise click here to have proper snout about!

Monday, 17 March 2008

Rosetti- yey!

I've been having fun making baby rosettes! When I was little I was pretty obsessed with horses and really wanted one. Had some riding lessons but never did enter a this is as close as I'm ever going to get to getting a rosette! I've tried to make it cameo-ish so they are quite small - about 4cm not including the ribbon. This is the first one but will make some more in different colours.

Saturday, 15 March 2008

Clutter City

I'm rather excited about a new Norwich venture which is setting out to propel all things hand made to the fore. Clutter City is a brilliant idea which promises to do great things for craftsters, artists and designers etc... of every kind across our Fine City!

Last Saturday was the launch of this psuedo-market or Fair of sorts at the top notch Norwich Arts Centre. Sadly I was away, so didn't make it down on the day, but thank you again to
Miss Correll, pack leader and all round good egg of Fine City Friends for taking along my crafty bits to display alongside hers.

It was an altogether successful event by all accounts with an exciting array stalls selling everyhing from hats to zines! I am planning to make lots of exciting new things ready for the next one on Saturday 24 May. In the meantime, I'll also be at the next Fine City Friends craft fair which is in a little under a month away now on Saturday April 12th. Hope to see you then!

Friday, 14 March 2008

Cool Beans!

I've been researching beans for some paintings I'm doing for a Health Food shop - and found some really exciting colourful runner bean beans!

Probably inspired Jack and the Bean Stalk because they really looked magic!

Thursday, 6 March 2008

Been long time ...

Oohhh it's long time since I wrote a post! Apologies - been ever so busy crafting and also been away in Switzerland - snowboarding! It was amazingly - scarey but such brilliant fun that most of the time I overcame the fear!

I miss the mountains - Norfolk seems flatter than ever! Even the 'hill' I have to cycle up to get to work seems more like a micro piste now!

Here's a pic of some of my work at the last craft fair we had - my stuff is the badges all the way round the edge!

Got the urge to do some egg painting/sewing ...! Better get to it!