Thursday, 31 January 2008
Roll up , roll up!!
Thought I'd better remind you that this Saturday is 'The End of the Line' Craft Fair! See you down at the Playhouse (St George's Street, Norwich) from 10a.m ... be sure of lots of lovely handmade stuff to make you smile! :-)


Something miraculous happened yesterday evening - I found a photo of Jesus!!!! I love the way it was all damaged - especially his face. I thought it was quite fitting that religion is on the wane and so symbolic that it was all battered. I think it is a rather beautiful find. Manu said Jesus must have been a hippy with his long hair!!!
I'm not religious, but I really like the use of symbolism often found in religious stuff. Been looking at amulets a lot just lately and they have given me lots of inspiration for lucky charm brooches I've been making. The weather has been so bleak (it's almost apocalyptic out there at righ now so we've shut the shutters in the studio to block it out!!) that have not had enough daylight to take nice pictures of them - might just have to make do with the old tungsten. Will try and post them on here when I get home tonight. I'm going to bingo tonight for the first time ever - with guys from work - think it could be fun!! Tell you all about it later ...!
Wednesday, 23 January 2008
Gemma Correll is a busy delicate bee

I just wanted to congratulate Gemma on getting lots of her Illustration work published - she has been such a busy bee of late and all her success both now and in the future is sooo justly deserved. You can find some of her wonderfully illustrated stuff here:
It's Nice That
Print Pattern
Gemma's Portfolio
Go Gemma!!!
Monday, 21 January 2008
Gardenville of Eden

I am glad to tell you that I've already broken one of my New Year's resolutions! Promised myself to try to read books before seeing their film version - but I just had to watch 'Everything is Illuminated' last night! And no regrets - was incredible! Moving and funny at once - tragi-comic I guess you'd call it! I discovered it because of the soundtrack (Gogol Bordello) and which goes a long way in making it such a succesful film. It was playing on one of Milan Kundera's philosphies that you only benefit from the past by reliving it - heavy! One of the other themes I thought it was driving at was that we are defined by our actions. And that this is how we derive meaning from our lives. I really felt an affinity with Jonathan the Collector - I can't help collecting stuff - symptomatic of liking too much!
Speaking of which I can't tell you how completely over the moon I was to discover that someone had left a geberra on the handlebars of my bike only the other day- I left my bike in town and went to collect it Friday evening to discover the selfless offering - I shall live off this for weekes to come - thank you whoever you are - I am touched!!! Zxxx
Thursday, 17 January 2008
Curb your enthusiasm!!!

Really really excited (can hardly contain it!!) ... I've just booked some crafty days at the Sainsbury Centre in Norwich! Will finish this in a little while ... as gotta get me some work done...!!!
... Here I am again! Well it seems the names of the artists running the courses I'm going on is a great source of amusement to my boss who overheard me quoting their names - Fernando Marques Penteado (who's the artist in charge of the Fictional Stitches course on Feb 8th) and `Biddy Rychnovsky' (April 18th: Knitting Text) who I once met when I had an exhibition at the Bally Shoe Factory on Hall Road in Norwich (Fringe 2005). They sound really fun and if it's something anyone reading this might be interested in - here is where you can find out more:
Wednesday, 16 January 2008
Comics really do rule!

I've got comics on the mind and have just finished doing a story board for a series called 'Love's Comic' (hehehoho)! You wouldn't be able to make head or tale of the very busy doodles, I don't think, so I'll wait to show you some visuals which aren't quite so rough ... in the meantime the above is micro bit of strip art with a sentiment in keeping with how I feel right now! I drew it a while ago but it seems synchronistic (yet again!) that I discovered it my box of drawings today ... anyway back to the drawing board for me now!
Monday, 14 January 2008
Don't you just love synchronicity?!

One of the Lovely chappies (who I share the studio with at work) said "better to be weird than forgotten!" And then I found this by accident - synchronicity - don't you just love it!?
I thought I'd do a silly/naughty (no ref. to anything except that I like the expression - so delete as appropriate) little doodle to accompany it too ...!
Sunday, 13 January 2008
How lovely is this ...?!
I was so impressed with the winning entry (by Erin McGuire) of the http://joinred.blogspot.com/ competition that I just had to show you!! Does anyone else think it is very Elspeth Zwerger - composition wise?!
In other news, I am crafting crazy at the moment (will upload pics to FLickr when I've made enough to photograph!) It's like an illness - an expensive one at that! I spent sixty squid on patchwork material and buttons (well there was other stuff too) ...but it's made me more excited than ever!! So much so that the list I wrote on today's list may not happen till next week now - crafting comes first ... !!

Saturday, 12 January 2008
Competing list book!
My littlest Sister Libby gave me a really amazing handmade pad for Christmas made up of loads of great sheets of paper in varying madcap patterns (80's theme seems to be dominant!) she'd deliberately crumpled. I used it yesterday to begin writing what I need to do to organise my 'Oh So Kitsch Apre Ski Party' and realised that it could compete with my other lovely Book of Lists (made by Anthony Zinonos - see my first ever blog post!) so I've decided to compartmentalise!!! Libby's will be for long term planning and my skirt one for short term - blimey how glad am I that I've sorted that one - can get on with my day now - off to town...it's blazing winter sun out there and can't wait to get me some rays!
It's alright - there's nothing ablaze in the background and no my hand hasn't doubled in size! It's Manu's sneaking into the picture (he's such an attention seeker!!!) I just love the handpainted Ukulele, Libby - the on the hoof angle and bubbley shape + the way it can stand up on it's own like a card - it's top drawer lil' sis (even in fear of sounding patronising -well done you!)

Thursday, 10 January 2008
I feel a ditty is in order ...!
Laid in bed last night and thought about the elusiveness of creativity and how even the wiff of self doubt gets in the way of it ... so I decided to write a little poem about it! I might turn it into a singing ode and try and play along with my ukulele!
Ode to Creativity
It's being in the thing
Not just viewing
It's letting minutes
Tick unheard
Not waiting
Or reviewing
Unhesitant and brave
Sharing and amusing
But more than that
It's simply using
Everything you've have
But only what you need
Ode to Creativity
It's being in the thing
You're doing
All seeingNot just viewing
It's letting minutes
Tick unheard
Not waiting
Or reviewing
Unhesitant and brave
Sharing and amusing
But more than that
It's simply using
Everything you've have
But only what you need
We're going on a 1950's girlie weekender!!!
Tuesday, 8 January 2008
Schott-style bed making
I've been making like Ben Schott of the famous Miscellanies and taking to my bed to create! The way I see it, it's wholly reasonable - I haven't been feeling too well of late and it means I get to combine two great loves making and sleeping. Mostly at different times.
Def. comes highly recommended on my part - though there's always the danger of getting too comfy and falling asleep! Surprisingly, it's not happened yet but then I have been keeping my mind busy with list writing, ode writing and corsage making - not to mention reading - Kite Runner at the mo... I really want to see the film but desperately holding off till I've finished the book. It's a kind of New Year's Resolution to read the book before the film as much as poss. Mmmm - we'll see how that goes! Might be one for the breaking before even the month's out!
Anyway I feel my bed is calling me for sleep this time ... it's got pretty late with all this creating!

P.S: How could I forget(?!) - my stitched craft tags arrived today - yey!!! I'm darn ;-) pleased with the way they've come out ...!
Def. comes highly recommended on my part - though there's always the danger of getting too comfy and falling asleep! Surprisingly, it's not happened yet but then I have been keeping my mind busy with list writing, ode writing and corsage making - not to mention reading - Kite Runner at the mo... I really want to see the film but desperately holding off till I've finished the book. It's a kind of New Year's Resolution to read the book before the film as much as poss. Mmmm - we'll see how that goes! Might be one for the breaking before even the month's out!
Anyway I feel my bed is calling me for sleep this time ... it's got pretty late with all this creating!

P.S: How could I forget(?!) - my stitched craft tags arrived today - yey!!! I'm darn ;-) pleased with the way they've come out ...!
Sunday, 6 January 2008
'Fine City Friends' rock socks off animals!

I must tell all about this amazing new venture spearheaded by Gemma Correll (my lovely delicate friend) and her band of fluffy animals and Illustrators. I count myself very honoured to have been invited to join the last and first Fine City Friends Fair thrown at the PlayHouse - top notch Norwich art venue (and previous home to the cutting edge Arts Cinema. Speaking of which I'm off to now - gotta dash catching the 8 o'clock veiwing of Lust, Caution ... hope to see you there!
P.S: Don't forget to come along to the next Fine City Friends Fair - check in at the blog
Lazy Recovery Sunday!

I've just finished writing my list for tomorrow having not achieved a great deal today - well I am getting over a nasty bug! And at least I got some more corsage photos updated to Flickr + I've contact a few bods about my scarey birthday party (gonna be 3-0 - not 3 nill unfortunately, I know it's hard to believe!!;-)) on 23rd of next month - determined to get it organised early as loads to sort out! Got lots of fun ideas...but keeping stum until confirmed pre party venue!!
I got very excited today over a tea bag! Yes, well if you'd seen so would've you. I think it might have been made out of silk and the tea that came out of it so didn't disappoint - the packet said 'use creme fraiche' like everyone has that languishing in their fridge! Luckily there was some creme that's been hanging around since before christmas (didn't taste gone off!) so I glugged a bit of that into it instead. All I can say i get out there now and get your mitts on this tea - it is seriously good ... I must thank dear old friend Sammy for buying these for me for Christmas - a real treat. I'm just trying to think of a way of re-using the luxurient tea bags now. My only gripe is the brand name - tea pigs - yeh not the first thing you'd make an association with frankly!!!
Friday, 4 January 2008

I'm starting to see this blog as the perfect Diary/ journal substitute - there is a real ease to it. Really lends itself to immediacy...
Anyway I've got the lergy! Euch! The winter vommitting virus has hit England and I hear that 50 hospitals have had to shut wards to contain it. It's nothing sinister really (well that's what they're telling us to stop any hysteria)! Whichever, I'm making the most of being bed bound and have my laptop near me to reach for between bouts of nausea! It's really rather cosy and I have had plenty of time to think today which is such a luxury :-)
Anyway I've got the lergy! Euch! The winter vommitting virus has hit England and I hear that 50 hospitals have had to shut wards to contain it. It's nothing sinister really (well that's what they're telling us to stop any hysteria)! Whichever, I'm making the most of being bed bound and have my laptop near me to reach for between bouts of nausea! It's really rather cosy and I have had plenty of time to think today which is such a luxury :-)
One thing I was thinking about was how at Christmas we tend to write lists. Why not do it all through the year like seem to have the urge to do! I've decided to keep all my lists this year and tick everything off as I go to keep me motivated. I've started small with a dinky handmade book (see http://www.buyhandmade.org/!) I bought from a print making designer boyfriend of a friend called Anthony Zinonos (great name!) It struck me as perfect because it actually contains snaps shots of lists (inc. indexes and key lists from lots of exciting sources like wood work books etc...) It's also pleasingly retro which always gets me going! Already contains two of my lists and it's also a handy reminder for letter writing, most especially to the Majestic Dave Grinstead, prolific and talented Illustrator friend of mine (promise I haven't forgotten you!) which I always mean to write and illustrate to, but always don't get the time because of grand plans to make decorative envelopes and paper etc!!! I must think simpler! A letter is always a treat whatever form it comes in ...so no more putting it off till I get a printing press!! In the meantime, here's some pictures of my Book of Lists...

Wednesday, 2 January 2008
Devi the Diva - if in doubt wear red!
I was just thinking about how I need to get me lots of arms to get everthing done this year I need to do!!! Well, seeing as that is about as unlikely as making friends with the moon from the Mighty Booosh (I'd like that too!), I suppose I oughta work out how I am going to juggle my many interests. Is it really possible to be a designer, illustrator, crafter, comic book artist, ukelele player and candlestick maker (made the last one up) and still have time to to spend with loved ones, friends and family, not to mention just 'be' from time to time? I know I can't expect to become who I want over night. And some of what I want to do might never be fully realised. I just have to make what I want ever I want most (whatever that is!) happen - will alone is all I can rely on. I suppose desire and the belief that I can do it will make this possible. If I've exhausted both of those and don't get where I want to be in life then I guess it just was't meant to be.
Not that I'm religious, just into philosophy really - and the New Year is a great time to reflect on what and how we're going to change our lives for the better. Will we ever get to the bottom of this task? In the words of that hilariously silly film I need to 'be the miracle' rather than look for it elsewhere! I really believe everthing we have is all that we really need or want for the time we are experiencing it in our lives.
She was the ultimate Mum! Forget that lame 'Yummy Mummy' coinage! Really chaotic people manage to find a way to be amazing mums - it's all about prioritising what's important! This mummy talk doesn't mean I'm thinking of having a getting a bun in the oven, Miss Correll, not planned anyway!!! Phew! Boy did I get carried away but how therapeutic it felt?! Sometimes its good to ramble - if in doubt wear red like Diva and be plain honest with yourself and others!
Not that I'm religious, just into philosophy really - and the New Year is a great time to reflect on what and how we're going to change our lives for the better. Will we ever get to the bottom of this task? In the words of that hilariously silly film I need to 'be the miracle' rather than look for it elsewhere! I really believe everthing we have is all that we really need or want for the time we are experiencing it in our lives.

Tuesday, 1 January 2008
New Year Revelries ...
What a New Year's Eve!
It really was one to remember and without all the hass that normally comes with going out NY eve. We avoided the undeniable draw of a party in a big old house up in Nottingham (twas an offer we didn't want to turn down, Mim and Jonny)! But reality set in and we just knew it would be hellish getting there so instead went to a party in our local - and what a night it was!
Awesome band V8 Rumble wowed us with an astoundingly good set and everyone honoured the staggering performance with some serious shoulder and hip shaking! Just hoping the year lives up to such a blindingly good launch party - have a feeling that with a reasonable amount of effort and a bit of luck this year might just pan out to be a stonker! Roll on 2008 - the year of infinity and beyond! Here's wishing the very best for all in 2008.
It really was one to remember and without all the hass that normally comes with going out NY eve. We avoided the undeniable draw of a party in a big old house up in Nottingham (twas an offer we didn't want to turn down, Mim and Jonny)! But reality set in and we just knew it would be hellish getting there so instead went to a party in our local - and what a night it was!
Awesome band V8 Rumble wowed us with an astoundingly good set and everyone honoured the staggering performance with some serious shoulder and hip shaking! Just hoping the year lives up to such a blindingly good launch party - have a feeling that with a reasonable amount of effort and a bit of luck this year might just pan out to be a stonker! Roll on 2008 - the year of infinity and beyond! Here's wishing the very best for all in 2008.
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